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Showing posts from January, 2025

January Update: Talksprites Completed! Back To Coding!

  Hello everybody! It’s time for the January Update, and this month so far has definitely not been the greatest. On the fourth day of the year, I crashed my car in a parking lot because I pushed my limits too far work-wise, and I’ve had to spend a lot of time since then dealing with it. It’s pretty much sorted out now, but it’s been very stressful. But even with that big complication in my daily life, I have some notable dev updates to share! The talksprites are complete ! You heard me- Every talksprite that I had planned now exists, and if any more end up needing to be drawn, I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. But the 77 sprites are here! That represents 5 unique talksprites for each main character and 3 for each notable side character. I actually finished drawing these before 2025 began~ So, what have I been up to since the year started, besides dealing with my personal life? A whole lot, actually! I haven’t tackled any further visual assets since completing the talksprites...