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Showing posts from August, 2021

Entropic Float Biweekly Dev Update #1

 Hello hello!  Nico H here with the first of many biweekly updates on the development and creation of Entropic Float: This World Will Decay And Disappear! I hope to update here every other Sunday, starting from today forward. Being the first update, pretty much everything I've done so far is 'new', so rather than make an excessively long post about all of the details so far, I'm just going to share some progress reports so everyone can see where I'm at as a baseline before I start sharing more in future updates! Writing: The writing of the game is going smoothly! Out of 54 'segments' required in the base routes, I've written 9 of them so far. I'm not counting the True Route segments, as I'm unsure as of yet how many there will be. I'll track that stat when I get to it! These 9 segments so far represent one complete route and half of another. For my internal tracking purposes, each route has 4 shared segments and one segment for each ending! B...