Happy Memorial Day weekend! It's happy for me at least, since I have Monday off of work. This update's art is by Gonya on skeb . This close to release, I'm running out of anything to share that isn't filled with spoilers, but this art of Amelie is vague enough! Luckily, we only have two more updates between this one and release weekend. Writing: 31/31 standard segments. 36/36 Memory Seeking segments. 7/7 Epilogue segments. That's right. 74/74 segments, 115,000 words in the route for 309,000 total. All written! Actually, I finished last weekend, so the game's been in my beta testers' hands for a week now. I'm very much ahead of schedule at the moment! And since the writing is now done, I can leave this section out of the remaining updates. Background Music: Those two BGM tracks I mentioned last week have been added to the OST Playlist . Both by Enokido. I'm also working on getting a track licensed for the game's end credits. My goal p...