Hello everybody! It’s been a while since the last update. I did say you probably wouldn’t hear from me again until about now! October and November have come and gone, and with them, plenty of progress. For October- I didn’t quite hit the goal that I set, of reaching a certain number of talksprites completed before the end of the month. I hoped to reach 80% of talksprites ready to go, but only made it up to 74% - In part because I misjudged how much time I had to begin with, and in part because I failed to account for certain days of limited access to my desktop computer. I completed 10 more sprites after the October update, not the hoped-for 15 more. Though, if it counts for anything, there are 3 more sprites which reached a partially-completed state before the month ended! We’re at a nice round 20 talksprites left to complete at the moment. When it comes to November, I was able to accomplish exactly the goal I set out to- 50,000 words written, all of them for Entropic Floa...
Entropic Float is featured once again in the Halloween Queer Stories Bundle- And if you haven’t grabbed yourself the Beloved Ghost DLC yet, it holds the elusive title as the one DLC in the bundle too! Support me and a whole bunch of other wonderful gamedevs with this mutual aid bundle, available at a suggested supporter price or a discounted price- Choose what you can afford! People both behind and included in this bundle were incredibly helpful with the Kickstarter nearly a year ago now, so show them some love! On to the updates! When it comes to what I said I’d be getting done throughout September- I got the apparel photographed and posted, and the housekeeping updates pushed! These ended up basically being my September Update, since I shared the info about both at once. As for getting the EF2 demo onto steam- I made the small text edits necessary in the demo itself (as info about Kickstarter in the itch demo release is no longer relevant) but have yet to actually get it posted....