Hello everybody! It’s time for the January Update, and this month so far has definitely not been the greatest. On the fourth day of the year, I crashed my car in a parking lot because I pushed my limits too far work-wise, and I’ve had to spend a lot of time since then dealing with it. It’s pretty much sorted out now, but it’s been very stressful. But even with that big complication in my daily life, I have some notable dev updates to share! The talksprites are complete ! You heard me- Every talksprite that I had planned now exists, and if any more end up needing to be drawn, I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. But the 77 sprites are here! That represents 5 unique talksprites for each main character and 3 for each notable side character. I actually finished drawing these before 2025 began~ So, what have I been up to since the year started, besides dealing with my personal life? A whole lot, actually! I haven’t tackled any further visual assets since completing the talksprites...
Hello everybody! It’s been a while since the last update. I did say you probably wouldn’t hear from me again until about now! October and November have come and gone, and with them, plenty of progress. For October- I didn’t quite hit the goal that I set, of reaching a certain number of talksprites completed before the end of the month. I hoped to reach 80% of talksprites ready to go, but only made it up to 74% - In part because I misjudged how much time I had to begin with, and in part because I failed to account for certain days of limited access to my desktop computer. I completed 10 more sprites after the October update, not the hoped-for 15 more. Though, if it counts for anything, there are 3 more sprites which reached a partially-completed state before the month ended! We’re at a nice round 20 talksprites left to complete at the moment. When it comes to November, I was able to accomplish exactly the goal I set out to- 50,000 words written, all of them for Entropic Floa...