Hello! It’s time for the February update, and I’ve made lots of progress!
Let’s start things off by revisiting the goals I laid out a month ago:
Find the notebook where I wrote down location flowcharts. I somehow lost this in my apartment somewhere. I need to know the order of things! - I did, in fact, find this notebook! It was in a shelf, underneath my Kagamine Len Ita Bag.
^ Sketch the remaining BGs needed for Area 2, once I know exactly what I planned for those to be. - I sketched them! I then also lined, colored, and shaded them! All the backgrounds needed for Area 2 are ready to use!
Implement Area 1’s Pizzeria Minigame - This is the first place The Possum will appear~ - The minigame is implemented! You can make and receive a pepperoni pizza! You can also screw up making the pizza and get a consolation prize instead!
Add a GUI element showing which allies are currently recruited. - This is done! It only took about an hour!
So, as you can see, I didn’t just accomplish my goals for February- I exceeded them! Hurray! Area 2 is prepped to begin implementation. Besides this, I’ve also added another 7,000 words to the game since last time- Not even on writing full-blown scenes, just implementing more character reactions to being shown Objekts. There are currently 8 objekts fully implemented with methods to obtain them and inventory icons, and 9 more that are coded in with visuals in the works. Nowhere near all of them, but I’ll probably wait to add more to the list until I’ve written in the reactions for each character being added into Area 2. Best take things incrementally!
It won’t be very long till I update again on March 8th, but here are the goals I have for the next couple weeks:
Create the assets for and implement a Zone (Character-Thematic Minigame) for Area 1, so a piece of Evidence can be acquired with which to open Area 2
Make travel throughout Area 2 Possible
Add characters into Area 2
And some further goals to have done by the second March update, but which I’ll get started on if I finish the above:
Add Objekts into Area 2
Sketch backgrounds needed for Area 3 (Six more than I already have prepped or sketched)
Create a map for the ‘Tony’s Rides’ function
And that’s about it! March will mark the start of my updating twice a month for this game, so I’ll be talking to you again soon. Thank you for reading!
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