This update's got a bit more going for it than the last one- And I totally passed my certification exam, too! I'm now an AAPC CPC-A, which means nothing to anyone reading this, but I'm still telling you.
Writing's been going well! I've written three segments over the past two weeks; The second puzzle room of Amelie's night route, and both of its endings. This marks the completion of the Amelie routes, which clock in at 58,000 words total. I'm a third of the way through the common routes! Just two more of these... And then the True End, of course. Still a ways to go, but progress is undeniably being made!
As I approach writing the Kanatsun Routes, I realized that he was in need of a couple new talksprites. 'Ponder' and 'Panic' were emotions he needed and was lacking. Below is the first of those two. I also tweaked Abel's talksprites by making them a little bit smaller, as his positioning onscreen felt awkward in comparison to the rest of the cast.
Voice Acting:
No change since last update.
Background Images:
I've created two rooms since last time, but one of them is one I never included in my progress bar before so I'm only one room closer to my original estimate- Sitting at eight out of fifteen predicted rooms, nine out of sixteen actual rooms. One was the Zen Garden, a puzzle room for Amelie's night route. The other is the Stairwell, which I always knew I needed but kept forgetting to include. Here's that one.
Background Music:
I've composed one new track: Total Zenemies, which is, as the title implies, music which plays in the Zen Garden. I'll be taking some time soon to post the OST on youtube, so look forward to that link in a future post.
Now then, the date is October 17th. That's halfway through the month of October... And you know what that means. It's almost November. And what's November, some may ask? Well, that's NaNoWriMo- National Novel Writing Month, a challenge to all authors to average 1667 words each day in November, to achieve a total of 50,000 words in the month- Officially a short novel.
I'm going to be participating a bit unconventionally, using it as a motivating force to write the Kanatsun routes. Since the Amelie routes ended up being 58,000 words total, the challenge should be able to push me at least fairly close to completing his routes! To facilitate this challenge, I'm not going to write any part of the Kanatsun routes until November 1st. For the next (exactly) two weeks I'm going to be making assets instead, so I can write uninterrupted.
My Entropic Float goals before the next update are:
-Building the four puzzle rooms that Kanatsun's routes need
-CGs in those rooms and in the already-assembled rooms
-At least 3 new music tracks
Other things on my plate:
-My day job as usual
-Writing additional scenes for Heart Fragment, a lovely Otome Game that I'm support staff on.
-Packaging the Amelie Routes for my beta testers to check.
If I somehow complete all of these before next update, I'll probably begin uploading the OST to youtube!
Thanks for reading, and please root for me until next time!
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